The construction of an entrance bridge to the Green Village, a sustainable development for the Delft
University of Technology (DUT), has started. This bridge, spanning 14 m, will be constructed with
massive glass blocks (photo 2), in a shallow arch, with no adhesives: just interlocking blocks under pressure supported by two foundation blocks on piles.
The construction of an entrance bridge to the Green
Village, a sustainable development for the Delft
University of Technology (DUT ), has started. This
bridge, spanning 14 m, will be constructed with
massive glass blocks (photo 2), in a shallow arch, with
no adhesives: just interlocking blocks under pressure
supported by two foundation blocks on piles.
The glass arch introduces considerable horizontal forces on the
foundations. Especially the lateral stiffness of these foundations
has an significant impact on the structural behaviour of the
arch. Therefore the design process and the interaction
arch-foundation required special attention.
The Green Village is a terrain on the campus of the Delft
University of Technology (DUT) where all kinds of technical,
sustainability related features will find a home. Between the
Green village and the campus there is a 14 m wide canal over
which a new, 2.20 m wide bridge, has to be constructed. A
bridge to the Green Village has to be Green as well. Therefore,
the Green Village worked out a strategy to build each five years
a new, at that moment as sustainable as possible, bridge. The
old bridge is to be recycled.
Green glass
arch bridge
The foundation of an all glass arch bridge for the
Green Village on the Delft University campus
For the first bridge a limited design competition for employees
of the DUT was announced. Since the department Structural
Design of the Faculty of Architecture of the DUT had a good
working experience with an experimental glass façade for the
Chanel shop in Amsterdam, it was decided that the same build-
ing material, massive glass blocks, were to be used for this
Green Village bridge. The glass design was selected to be the
first sustainable bridge to the Green Village.
Shallow glass arch
Glass is good choice for a Green bridge because glass is a very
sustainable material: it is made from sand (lots of it available
worldwide), it is inert (no corrosion/rot) and it is 100% recyclable
without loss of quality. And glass is transparent, a beautiful
property that makes it shine and sparkle. In the façade of the
Chanel shop in Amsterdam the glass blocks were glued together
for structural integrity. As adhesive is not a wise sustainable
connection method and the bridge has to be dismantled after
five years, using glue (adhesive) was not an option. Therefore,
the choice was made to create an arch, working under compres-
sion at all circumstances. It had to be as shallow as possible
arch to prevent people from sliding and slipping on the bridge.
Shallowness in arches has a big price: it results in large horizontal
forces on the supports of the arch. In combination with the
Dutch soil (peat up to 20 m and therefore long concrete piles)
this is an unfortunate and possibly dangerous combination: a
Green glass arch bridge 3 2017
Continuous collaboration between the structure itself and the
foundation has to exist, especially in the Netherlands where the
soil is so bad/ weak.
Design of the foundation
In close collaboration between Royal Haskoning DHV
(RHDHV) and the Structural Design group of Architecture
and the Building Engineering group of Civil Engineering of the
DUT the following concept was worked out (fig. 4): two big,
cast on-site, reinforced concrete foundation blocks (5650 mm
prof. ir. Rob Nijsse
Faculty of Civil Engineering and
Geosciences, Delft University of
Technologyir. Ate Snijder
Faculty of Architecture, Delft
University of Technology
structure with limited lateral stiffness. The Structural Design
group of the DUT was however convinced that with a clear
awareness of this dangerous combination and the appropriate
structural measurements this challenge can be tackled.
The glass arch bridge is designed and engineered by the DUT
and the two abutments by the engineering firm RHDHV. The
DUT was also involved in the execution of the abutments. It
is important to know the state of deformation of this highly
experimental bridge to assure its safety, or to be able to take
preventive measures when deformations become too large.
1 The finished glass arch
bridge in the Green Village
on the Delft
credits: Frank Auperlé2 Massive glass block used
for the construction of the
3 Artist impression of the
Green glass arch bridge 3 2017
Bridge, abutments and piles
5 Plan for foundation piles
credits: RHDHV
The determination of the strength and stiffness of these springs
is very difficult. Also the difference between horizontal and
vertical components of these spring stiffness's is complicated.
The state of the art theory was followed but the real behaviour
of (driven!) piles under load is rather unknown. Especially
considering that the long term behaviour (plasticity and creep)
is completely unknown.
Building Code producing authorities have to be aware that real
life tests on piles have to be executed to provide reliable structural
properties for this type of calculations. This counts for static,
dynamic and long term loadings on piles. If the engineers do
not have validated data their calculations are not more than an
educated guess, which may result in an unacceptable or unsafe
Just the characteristic dead load of 308 kN of glass blocks
already results in a horizontal force of 480 kN on each abutment
of the arch bridge. Adding to this the characteristic live load,
like pedestrians and cyclist, a maximum vertical load of 443 kN
and a maximum horizontal load of 718 kN results.
long, 3300 mm wide, 800 mm high) resting on concrete piles.
Each concrete foundation block rests on eight piles. Two piles,
close to the supports of the glass arch, are placed vertical, the
other six are placed under an inclination of 1:5, an angle of
about 11°. This has been done to have as much capacity as
possible for taking up the huge horizontal forces from the glass
arch. The concrete piles had to be 23.75 m long to find a good
firm footing in the bearing sand layers under the first 20 m of
non-load bearing peat. The piles measured 400 mm by 400 mm
and were driven in the soil.
Calculation of the concrete foundation blocks
TUD made FEM calculations of the shallow glass block arch
composed of loose glass blocks of 400 mm depth. Dictating loads
were the dead load of 1000 kg/m
2 due to the glass arch and a live
load of 500 kg/m
2 that could be placed eccentrically. As a special
load case a maintenance vehicle had to be taken into account.
RHDHV calculated the concrete foundation with a finite
element program in which the piles were described as tall
columns supported by springs that represent the soil action.
peat peat
existing foundation piles existing foundation pile
Green glass arch bridge 3 2017
6 Static diagram
7 Piles in place
8 Construction of an abutment
The TUD as a client laid down the criterion that a maximum
horizontal movement of 10 mm was acceptable. The uncertainty
regarding the springstiffnesses, especially horizontally, led to
the following precautions. Directly from the delivery by the
contractor the situation was carefully measured during the
building process and, further on, during the life cycle of the
glass block arch bridge, these values will be monitored. If the
displacements of the bridge are measured to be larger than the
maximum of 10 mm stiff steel cables can be attached horizontally
between the concrete foundation blocks.
Execution of the foundation blocks
The real work on-site starts with one of the most critical activities:
the layout of the bridge and foundation in the plan of the Green
Village. Related to that the next, even more critical, item: the
correct positioning of the piles (photo 7).
Only a small wooden stick pushed in the ground indicates the
position of the pile to the pile driving company. Despite all the
attention asked for this specific item, a misplacement of
maximum 500 mm occurred by mistake. To account for this, the
size and the reinforcement of the concrete foundation blocks had
to be changed. Also the inclined piles were not driven in the
same direction, some more to the left, some more to the right
etc. Implementing these differences in the computer model
showed a decrease in structural capacity of about 4% with a
possible rotation of the entire block which will be continuously
monitored in future. After this, making of the formwork, intro-
duction of reinforcement (photo 8) and to-be-cast-in anchors
were positioned and the casting of the concrete took place.
Control of the deformation
All four corners of each concrete foundation block will be, as
constantly as possible, monitored and registrated for x-, y- and
z-coordinates. Especially during the construction of the actual
bridge, the deformation will be monitored since in this period
5.6 m 5.6 m
14 m
0.8 m
concrete block
Khorizontall Khorizontall
concrete block
1.4 m
Green glass arch bridge 3 2017
Green glass arch bridge 3 2017 78
period. A dramatic change will take place at the moment when
the arch is completed and the temporarily trusses will be
lowered (with jacks). In one second the, above described, verti-
cal load from the temporarily trusses, combined with the huge
horizontal loads due to the glass blocks arch, will be transferred
to the two concrete foundation blocks.
It will be interesting to registrate displacements of the two
concrete foundation blocks in this phase: both short time and
long term behaviour. To predict what will happen with the
concrete foundation blocks supported on long, inclined piles,
due to the lack of accurate data, is impossible. Hence the meas-
urements will provide more insight in the real behaviour of this
experimental structure and its foundation.
The structural designers of the glass arch bridge, are very grateful
to be allowed by the Green Village and the Dutch Authorities
to construct, and monitor, such an experimental and innovative
bridge (and foundation!). It will result in a large increase of
structural knowledge and is a big step ahead for Structural
Science. The glass bridge is officially opened on May 15 2017.
This is only a temporarily version: the composite trusses are
covered with stepping stones and grass. The 2200 glass blocks
for the final bridge version, still need to be manufactured and
put in place.
the horizontal and vertical loading on all piles will build up
from 3-5% (self weight of concrete) to 100%. To build an arch
with loose glass blocks a temporarily support is required. For
this reason two steel lens shaped trusses were installed (photo 9).
The diagonals in these trusses are another structural innovation;
they are made as a bundle of massive glass bars, pre-stressed for
structural safety with an internal steel bar. An arch only
becomes a structural arch when the last stone is put in place.
Hence the steel trusses with glass diagonals will carry up to the
last stone of the arch the vertical dead load of the glass block
arch; about 308 kN! So during construction of the bridge the
vertical load on the tip of the concrete foundation block will
grow from about 10 kN to 154 kN per block. It will be interesting
to see in what way the foundation will deform during this
A(x, y, z)
B(x, y, z)
C(x, y, z) D(x, y, z)
E(x, y, z) F(x, y, z)
G(x, y, z) H(x, y, z)
Temporarily support in a form of
steel trusses and glass diagonals
10 Top view of abutments and critical