The Shanghai Tower, a 632 m high building, is the highest one in China and the second highest in the world. The foundation raft of high-rise buildings is usually a huge mat with cast-in-place mass
concrete. It is a structural member that transfers loads from the building to the foundation base. To keep the integrity of a massive raft is a key issue both in design and construction phase. The key point to obtain a monolithic foundation raft is via continuous pouring of concrete without providing construction joints. This would definitely invoke a problem on how to mitigate hydration heat accumulated in mass concrete during pouring of concrete. Preventing thermal cracks is critical for large concrete members and this project presentation
shows how is dealt with this issue in the Shanghai Tower foundation.
Shanghai To w e r
The Shanghai Tower, a 632 m high building, is the highest one in
China and the second highest in the world. The foundation raft of
high-rise buildings is usually a huge mat with cast-in-place mass
concrete. It is a structural member that transfers loads from the build-
ing to the foundation base. To keep the integrity of a massive raft is a
key issue both in design and construction phase. The key point to
obtain a monolithic foundation raft is via continuous pouring of
concrete without providing construction joints. This would definitely
invoke a problem on how to mitigate hydration heat accumulated in
mass concrete during pouring of concrete. Preventing thermal cracks
is critical for large concrete members and this project presentation
shows how is dealt with this issue in the Shanghai Tower foundation.
Monolithic pouring of the foundation slab of the 632 m high tower
To control volume variations due to release of hydration heat,
guidelines such as the Code for Construction of Mass Concrete
(GB50496-2009) [1] and others provisions (EC 2) [2] give limi-
tations on pouring of concrete, for example, a maximum volume
of poured concrete per unit time and a minimum interval
between pouring of each batch. Research interests are raised
worldwide to explore measures to avoid thermal cracks in mass
concrete. Accordingly, many construction approaches aimed at
decreasing hydration heat and controling of heat accumulation
in a massive raft have been developed in practice. For example,
the pre-installed pipe system method was applied in the 13 500 m
mat foundation of Jinmao Tower building [3] and layered
construction in the 9 m thick foundation raft of the World
Financial Center [4]. This method increases project costs and
complicates the construction procedure. Some projects such as
Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, were executed by
continuous pouring in 54 hours [5]. Excel Warehouse Project
Shanghai Tower 3 2017
[6] and Abu Dhabi's Landmark Tower [7] also used this method.
For the foundation of Shanghai Tower, more than 60,000 m
3 of
concrete had to be poured continuously, with no construction
joints or post-cooling measures, for high-speed construction
and with high-quality impermeable concrete. To avoid early
age cracks, special measures such as mix design considering
hydration heat reduction and a pouring organization suitable
for continuous pouring were taken.
Outline of the Shanghai Tower
Located in the central area of Lujiazui financial district in Shang-
hai city, Shanghai Tower is designed for offices, a hotel, a
commercial and shopping mall, a conference hall and an exhibi-
tion hall, as well as leisure tourism and sightseeing platform. It
consists of a tower building and a surrounding podium building.
With the footprint of the complex covering an area of more than
30 000 m
2, the total useful area of the complex is about 570 000 m 2.
The tower building has 121 floors above the ground, and below
ground is 5 storey basement.
Foundation raft of main building
The foundation raft slab of the main building has a disk-like
circular shape with a diameter of 123.0 m (fig. 3a). Along the
radial direction from the center to the perimeter, the thickness
of the slab changes from 6.0 m at the center to 1.60 m at the
edge (fig. 3b). Special measures with respect to mix design and
the organization of pouring were taken. The key challenge was
to ensure continuous pouring with the limited thermal issues.
Mix Proportions
The main issue during the mix design is to minimize the
hydration heat of concrete. Therefore, raw materials which
assure that the low-heat concrete is obtained, are used.
Locally produced cement with hydration heat of 220 kJ/kg
and 289 kJ/kg at 3 and 7 days, respectively, is chosen. Beside
Ordinary Portland cement, fly ash and slag, as supplementary
cementitious materials, are used as a binder. This leads to a
decreases of the hydration heat by 22.3% at 3 days and 13.5%
at 7 days compared to the cement without addition of supple-
mentary cementitious materials. A polycarboxylic acid
Jian Gong
College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University Shanghai, China /
Shanghai Construction Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China
Weijiu Cui, Yong Yuan
College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University Shanghai, China
Pumping concrete for the foundation of the Shanghai Tower
2 Location and surrounding of the Shanghai Tower
credits: Courtesy to Shanghai Center3 Foundation raft of main building: (a) plan, (b) section [mm]
mega columncore tube
foundation slab
corner column
123 000
103 500
3 2017
200 200 400 600
800 1000
4212 8354 24956637 0778
49 1
4 Temperature comparisons (measured and simulated in the core of the element)
5 Strength developing curve
6 The concrete pouring plan, pouring area and pump arrangement: (a) from top
and (b) from side
figure 5. The strength all passes 50 Mpa at 28th day, so the
concrete meets performance requirements.
Pouring Organization
Concrete supply and transportation is the basic issue of the
60 000 m
3 pouring. The main principle was to fulfill the
pouring work within 60 h. Careful calculation on concrete
supply and transportation is combined with extensive project
experience. Six pre-mixing plants are chosen with the total
supply capacity of 1250 m
3/h. 355 mixing trucks with an
average size of 8 m
3 were in charge of the transportation.
Central flowering pouring
Pouring usually takes place from one side to another side in a
traditional pouring method. For this huge mass concrete
member the poring distance was too long. Therefore, a new
concrete pouring method, called 'central flowering pouring', is
used in this project. Unlike with the traditional pouring
method, pouring of the concrete begins at the center and
concrete flows to the surrounding area.
Mobile pumps have flexibility and high pouring capacity, but
its pouring range is limited by its arm. Fixed pumps can over -
come this disadvantage. Two kinds of mobile pumps were used
i.e. a 56 m long arm concrete pump and a 48 m long arm one.
As the maximum pouring distance is 61.5 m long (radius of
circular mat), the mobile pumps cannot reach the central area.
Therefore, fixed pumps are in charge of that area. Based on
their maximum pouring length, the whole slab is divided into
three parts in the radial direction. The three areas in horizontal
superplasticizer is added to decrease the water - cement ratio.
The addition of superplasticizer resulted also in the reduction
of the hydration heat by 37.3% and 24.6% at 3 and 7 days,
respectively, in comparison to those without superplasticizer.
The final mix (see table 1) should also comply with the follow-
ing requirements: the 28 days strength is not below 50 MPa and
the slump is around 180 mm (based on pumping requirement).
For the purpose of checking the thermal performance, a
6.0 m × 8.0 m × 3.0 m test block is poured prior to casting of
the foundation with the same mix proportions. Temperature
monitoring is carried out simultaneously. The temperatures
reach the peak values within 48~72 h and the peak value does
not overpass 65°C. The designed mix proved to be suitable for
the construction and it was further used in the actual project.
Temperature monitoring is carried out on the spot during the
project. Temperature development is also simulated, and
temperature comparisons are shown in figure 4. The tempera-
ture-time curves resemble except for peak values. The differ -
ence between simulated and measured temperature is 2°C.
Strength tests were performed on concrete used for real
pouring. The average compressive strength of concrete,
obtained from each plant for foundation pouring is shown in
4 5
Table 1 Mix design of concrete C50 (kg/m 3)
W/B watercement slag power fly ashsandgraveladditional-agent
P.O.42.5 S95 IIImiddle5~25poly carboxylic acid
0.36 160240 120 8076010304.4
Shanghai Tower 3 2017
1 GB50496-2009.: Code for Construction of Mass
Concrete. Beijing, China Plan Press, 2009.
2 Eurocode 2, Design of Concrete Structures, Part
1-1, General Rules and Rules for Buildings. British
Standards Institution, 2004.
3 Wang, T.M. (1997). Control of Cracking in Engineer -
ing Structure (fifth edition). Beijing: China Archi-
tecture and Building Press.
4 Gong, J. , Zhang, Y., & Yuan, Y. (2006). Construc-
tion Study on Deep Mass Concrete Foundation
Slab for Main Tower of Shanghai World Financial
Center. Building construction 28(4), pp. 251-256.
5 Nadiu, K.G. (1995). The Petronas Tower: The
world's tallest building. Modern technology in
concrete construction, 03/1995. Bangkok, Thailand.
6 Continuous cast: Exxcel Contact Management
oversees record concrete pour. Concrete Products,
March 1998; 101, 3; ABI/INFORM Complete p. 32.
7 Landmark Tower has a record-breaking pour.
Abu Dhabi: Al Habtoor Engineering, September/
October 2007, p. 7.
direction are shown in figure 6a. All the area divisions can be
explained by the pumps' maximum length. The pouring
amounts of the three areas are 880 m
3, 10 150 m 3 and 48 950 m 3
respectively. Firstly, the fixed pump started to pump in the
central area. Then, when the concrete from the central area
reaches the pouring boundary of other pumps, they begin to
pump. Figure 6b shows the concrete is supposed to flow along a
slope of 1:12.
Layout of concrete pumps
Four 56 m long arm mobile pumps are installed on the previ-
ous soil digging platforms. Other pumps are arranged along the
edge of the foundation pit (fig. 6a). Based on experience and
the actual situation, six fixed pumps are used for the pouring
work of area 1. The theoretical pouring capacity of the three
types of pumps is 40 m
3/h (fixed pump), 80~100 m 3/h (56 m
mobile pump) and 60~80 m
3/h (48 m mobile pump) respec-
tively. The average pouring speed should not be lower than
1000 m
3/h. Therefore, eight 48 m-long arm pumps are chosen.
The pouring speed is:
s = Q 1 ? N 1 + Q 2 ? N 2 + Q 3 ? N 3 = 40 ? 6 + 80 ? 4 + 60 ? 8 = 1040 m 3/h
In other words, the 60 000 m³ of concrete can be poured in
60 hours theoretically under such pump arrangement.
Pouring on the spot
All the 18 pumps are placed along the perimeter of the foun-
dation pit. The whole pouring scene is shown in photo 1.
During the actual pouring process, the fixed pumps showed
some disadvantages such as inflexibility and low pouring
speed. Therefore, another four 48 m long arm pumps were put
into use instead of the fixed pumps. Because of the traffic jam
on the spot, the pouring speed was lower than the theoretical
value. Curing is carried out after concrete initial setting for
each area. The main curing materials were film and sack. The
coverage contained four layers: film, sack, film and sack from
the bottom to the top. By this the temperature difference
between the surface and the central area of the concrete was
The foundation raft of Shanghai Tower was poured continu-
ously in 63 hours without construction joints and without post
cooling measures. The continuous pouring for such huge
volume concrete was never reported before. Mix proportion
design and pouring organization are important parameter for
this construction method. According to the data obtained by
temperature monitoring, the used procedure resulted in the
desired effect.
pouring area line
i =1:12 h2
2 r1
i : flowing slope
r: flowing radius
pouring volume
area 1: 900 m
area 2: 10 150 m 3
area 3: 48 950 m 3
56 m long arm motor pump
combined with 5 m long chute
? 48 m long arm motor pump
combined with 10 m long chute
? fixed pump
Shanghai Tower 3 2017