Deze week vindt in het MECC in Maastricht het internationale fib Symposium 2017 plaats. Het thema van het evenement is dit jaar 'High tech concrete: Where technology and engineering meet!' Cement 2017/3 is een Engelstalig themanummer, geheel in het teken van dit symposium. In deze dubbeldikke special leest u van alle lezingen uit het programmaonderdeel 'Project Presentations' een artikel.
Leden ontvangen Cement 2017/3 op vrijdag 16 juni. Nu al nieuwsgierig naar het themanummer? Bekijk dan de preview van het complete magazine.
Bent u geen lid en wilt u deze speciale editie toch graag ontvangen? Dan kunt u het magazine bestellen voor slechts €35,- (excl. btw en verzendkosten).
Hoofdredacteur prof. Dick Hordijk schreef voor dit nummer samen met uitgever ir. Jacques Linssen het volgende (Engelstalige) voorwoord.
Beste Cement-lezer, dear Cement-reader,
For probably everybody this edition of Cement will be special and therefore some explanation seems to be appropriate. For the Dutch readers, besides content (more foreign projects) and the large number of pages (almost twice the usual size), the language (English) is also special. For foreign readers the journal on itself will already be special.
For the foreign readers: Cement is the Dutch journal on concrete for structural engineers for already 69 years. The eight editions per year consist of papers on structural issues and challenging projects, in which the various aspects, like architecture, structural design, material technology and execution, are illustrated.
For the Dutch readers: because of the international 2017 fib Symposium being hosted in the Netherlands (Maastricht, June 12-14, 2017), it was decided to combine special symposium sessions with this English edition of Cement and to also distribute it among the participants of the symposium.
The theme of the 2017 fib Symposium is ‘High Tech Concrete: Where technology and engineering meet’. In order to contribute to a fib symposium you are supposed to supply a scientific paper, that will be peer reviewed. Generally, this is a barrier for people from the engineering practice to participate. On the other hand, the largest projects worldwide are done by engineers that have very wide knowledge and broad experience worthwhile sharing with others. So, there was this idea to give them the opportunity to present projects by only supplying general information and interesting photos and figures. Since this is not acceptable for the proceedings of the symposium, and, in fact, is similar to the content of Cement, the idea for a special English edition of Cement, a meeting point for Dutch and worldwide engineering, was born.
Reviewing, gathering the required information and bringing everything in the desired format, resulting in this special fib Cement issue, was thanks to the efforts of Paul Lagendijk, Mladena Lukovic and Hanneke Schaap. We also want to thank the authors for their very valuable input and cooperation.
Dick Hordijk en Jacques Linssen