In order to facilitate large containerships through the Albert Canal, the four lock bridges of Diepenbeek,
Hasselt, Kwaadmechelen and Olen needed to be elevated and refurbished. Through the use of
state of the art techniques the existing reinforced concrete structure could be upgraded to the
required level of performance.
the Albert Canal
Elevation and refurbishment of four lock bridges on the Albert Canal in Belgium
for at least four layers of containers (9.10 m). For that matter, a
number of bridges have to be rebuilt while others are subject to
elevation and refurbishment. Among the latter are the four lock
bridges of Diepenbeek (photo 1), Hasselt, Kwaadmechelen and
Olen. The bridges have been in use since the mid nineteen
seventies. Except for the bridge at Kwaadmechelen, they only
connect local roads across the canal.
The four bridges are very similar to one another. They are all
triple span (12 m ? 24 m ? 12 m) with a central span above the
lock. The side spans are incorporated in the lock walls. Viewed
from above, the bridges have a shape composed of a rectangular
and triangular part representing a pedestrian platform (photo 2).
The bridges are multiple box girder reinforced concrete struc-
tures with a construction height of 2.4 m for the rectangular
In order to facilitate large containerships through
the Albert Canal, the four lock bridges of Diepen-
beek, Hasselt, Kwaadmechelen and Olen needed to
be elevated and refurbished. Through the use of
state of the art techniques the existing reinforced
concrete structure could be upgraded to the
required level of performance.
The Albert Canal is an important waterway that links the
region around Liège and the North East of Belgium to the port
of Antwerp. In order to facilitate the adequate shipment of
containers via this canal, all bridges need to have a clearance
Modernising the Albert Canal 3 2017
part, gradually increasing to 3.5 m for the triangular part (fig. 3).
They are constructed over the lower head of the lock with
which they form an integrated part.
As the canal is a busy waterway an elevation and refurbishment
solution based on intensive on-site activity was not an option.
On the other hand, since the roads across the bridges were only
of local importance, closing the bridges for all motorized traffic
during the construction works was not a problem. Bridges
remained accessible for pedestrians and cyclists.
Periodical inspections of the existing bridges proved a fairly
good condition from a structural point of view, which justified
a partial re-use of the existing structure.
Overview of the proposed solution
Since the bridges form an integrated part with the lock,
dismantling them would disrupt the stability of the lock walls.
The following phased approach proved to be a workable
concept (fig. 4, 5, and 6):
- at first, parts of the inner construction of the box girders, in
particular the lower part of the transverse beams are
dismantled (preparatory phase);
- the new bottom flange at the required level above the existing
flange within the box girder, including the deviator blocks for
the longitudinal post-tensioning, is constructed;
- subsequently, the existing bottom flange and the lower part of
the girders are removed;
- as some parts the existing structure could not resist forces
imposed by external post-tensioning, externally bonded Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) sheets were
applied at girder webs;
- The end anchor blocks are constructed (located above the lock walls) and transverse and longitudinal post-tensioning
on the new structure are applied in order to sustain the
required traffic loads by a bridge deck with a reduced
construction height.
Study phase
With regard to the construction phases, the following major
issues had to be addressed:
- the capacity of the existing structure;
- the design of the new bottom flange;
- the post-tensioning forces, their anchoring and the potential
additional strengthening measures can be without this.
Robert Somers
Department of Mobility and Public
Works, Flemish government
Lock bridge at Diepenbeek
2 Top view on the lock bridge at Diepenbeek
3 Typical transverse cross section
Modernising the Albert Canal 3 2017
block end
24 000 1500
new bottom ange
old bottom ange
2 % 2 %
7 3D Model II bridge deck (rendered view)
8 3D Model II bridge deck (structural view, six longitudinal tendons)
9 Transverse post-installed chemically anchored rebars, with underneath the
formwork for the new bottom flange
Longitudinal cross section of the future situation (Diepenbeek)
5 Transverse cross section of the future situation (Diepenbeek)
6 Horizontal cross section of the future situation (Diepenbeek)
Results of cone penetration tests showed an acceptable value
for the vertical modulus of subgrade reaction under the lock
floor (20 MN/m
Available design information proved sufficient and reliable,
likewise the concrete structural elements which proved to be in
good shape.
Acting loads on the integrated structure of lock and
The main loads, other than the self-weight, acting on the 'lock'
part of the integrated structure are the ground and water pres-
sures and the bearing reactions by the lock doors (miter gates)
in closed position, as well as service loads on the inner struc-
ture of the lock walls.
The main loads, apart from the self-weight, acting on the 'bridge'
part of the integrated structure are thermal actions (uniform
temperature change and gradient) and traffic loads on the bridge
deck. These are based on load model 1 and load model 3 of EN
1991-2. For load model 3 a special vehicle of 1200 kN (6 conse-
cutive axles of 200 kN, interdistance of 1.5 m) had to be used for
the bridge at Kwaadmechelen as it is situated in a trunk road, but
it was decided to extend this requirement to the other three
bridges. Load model 1 was multiplied by a factor ? = 0.80 to take
into account the fact that the bridges, although strengthened, are
in fact existing structures.
Existing structure
Although calculation notes were very concise, drawings of the
existing structures revealed that concrete was equivalent to
C25/30 and that two types of reinforcement with the characte-
ristic yielding strength of 220 N/mm
2 and 400 N/mm 2 were
tendon 1
tendon 6 tendon 5 tendon 4 tendon 3 tendon 2
end anchor
axis of the lock
2150 2150
Modernising the Albert Canal 3 2017
anchored to the existing girder webs (photo 9). Beside resisting
loads during transient situation (prior to application of post-
tensioning), this longitudinal reinforcement will also be active
in persistent situation, together with the longitudinal post-
Longitudinal post-tensioning
Based on the results of the finite element models, the following
longitudinal post-tensioning had to be implemented at the central
span: 6 tendons (2 per box) with 22 monostrands (150 mm
yk = 1860 N/mm 2). The tendons were prestressed at 0.75 f yk,
yielding 4605 kN per tendon.
The level of prestress was determined in such a way that, together
with the longitudinal passive reinforcement, it balanced all the
acting permanent and live loads on the bridge deck.
The tendon profile was such that the tendons were close to the
bottom flange at mid span and near to the top flange at their
extremities (anchorage blocks). In between they were deflected
by deviator blocks. In this way a maximum benefit was genera-
Finite element modelling
In order to get a good understanding of how the various
permanent and variable loads would act upon the elevated
structure and which internal forces they would generate, three
separate finite element models were set up (fig. 7 and 8).
The combined results of all the models were used to balance
the acting forces with the resisting forces by the passive reinfor -
cement (rebars, stirrups) and the longitudinal post-tensioning.
The main 'variable' in this 'equation' was the necessary longitu-
dinal post-tensioning force to obtain the equilibrium, as the
passive reinforcement could not be altered.
New bottom flange
Before the longitudinal post-tensioning could be applied, a new
bottom flange had to be constructed. It had to be strong
enough to carry the self-weight and permanent loads of the
mid span until the post-tensioning is applied. The new bottom
flange consists of reinforced concrete C35/45 and was built
using transverse post-installed passive rebars, chemically
Modernising the Albert Canal 3 2017
Located at the extremities of the tendons the end anchorage
blocks 'nail' the longitudinal post-tensioning forces to the
structure (photo 11). Because of the magnitude of these forces
and the limited capacity of the existing structure, both vertical
as well as horizontal anchoring of the blocks was necessary.
Given the height of the anchorage blocks and the confined
space within the box girders, the project specifications required
the use of self-compacting concrete. A strength class of C45/55
was prescribed to cope with the bursting and spalling forces of
the post-tensioning. As the end anchorage blocks were located
above the massive lock walls. This was an advantageous situation
for the vertical anchoring of these blocks.
CFRP strengthening
As the longitudinal post-tensioning was not applied at the
extremities of the structure, but through interior anchorages, a
considerable "anchoring back" force had to be dealt with.
Depending on the source (see reference VSL [2] and Stufib [4]),
this force should be estimated at 1/4 to 1/3 of the post-tensio-
ning force as an average. A finite element model of the ancho-
rage and the surrounding structure showed that this force was
in our case even close to 50% (peak value) of the post-tensio-
ning force, with its maximum at 0.50 m behind the anchorage
block and then decreasing by 20 to 25% per meter away from
the end anchorage block (fig. 12).
ted regarding bending moments, both positive (mid span) and
negative (supports) as well as shear forces. As the original rein-
forcement (longitudinal and stirrups) near the supports (the
lock walls) had a limited capacity and could not be increased
without considerable effort, the longitudinal post-tensioning
had to resist both the negative bending moments and the shear
forces at that location.
The stress losses due to friction were limited, both due to the
low friction coefficient of the monostrands and a fairly straight
tendon profile with a limited length (just over 27 m), deviated
at only 2 points. After all short and long term losses, a net capa-
city of just over 3900 kN (85% of 4605 kN) per tendon was
The monostrand feature created the possibility to apply additi-
onal post-tensioning, if ever necessary in the future.
Deviator blocks
At the points where the tendons deflected, deviator blocks
(photo 10) had to be constructed. These were reinforced
concrete blocks C35/45 integrated into the new bottom flange.
Based on the equilibrium of forces at the node represented by
the deviator block, an upward force per tendon of approximately
600 kN at ULS had to be absorbed. In order to control the
crack widths within this critical part, the reinforcement steel
was designed with a stress limited to 300 N/mm
10 11
Modernising the Albert Canal 3 2017
distance away from end anchorage block [m]
anchoring back force [kN]
1000500 00 0,5 1
1,5 22,5 33,5
10 Deviator block
11 End anchorage block (showing longitudinal and transverse post-tensioning;
left and right corners CFRP partly visible)
12 Anchoring back force (inner webs, Diepenbeek/Hasselt)
of water disposal. To proof the elevation and refurbishment at
each individual bridge, static load tests were performed. In
Belgium, a static load test is a standard procedure for a final
check of a newly built or strengthened bridges before it is (re)
opened for traffic. Six lorries representing up to 85% of the
design load, were placed around the mid span and the support to
invoke the maximum positive and negative bending moments
respectively. The elastic deflections were very small (less than
3 mm) and residual deflections (after unloading) were close to
zero. As such, the load test results were satisfactory.
Based on a viable phased concept, the four lock bridges were
elevated by 0.43 m to 0.65 m (depending on geographic location)
and refurbished over a period of just under three years, without
having to build a completely new structure and without compro-
mising the stability of the existing lock structure at any time.
Through the use of state of the art techniques, like post-tensio-
ning and CFRP, the existing reinforced concrete structure
could be upgraded to the required level of performance.
1 SCIA Engineer,
2 Rogowsky, D. M., Marti, P. (1996). Detailing for post-tensioning. Bern,
Switzerland: VSL International Ltd.
3 CUR Recommendation 91 (2nd revised edition) ? Strengthening of
reinforced concrete structures with externally bonded CFRP (2007).
Gouda, The Netherlands: Stichting CURNET.
4 Stufib Report 9 ? Strenghtening of existing bridges by external post-
tensioning (2006). Nieuwegein, The Netherlands: Studievereniging
5 Circular letter 576-58, Regulations for load tests on bridges (24 April
1981). Brussels, Belgium: Ministerie van Openbare Werken van België.
As the existing structure proved to be insufficiently strong to
cope with this post-tensioning force, the externally bonded
CFRP sheets were applied. This reinforcement was attached to
the girder webs behind the end anchorage block. The project
specifications stated that CFRP sheets with an elastic modulus
of 640 GPa, strain at break equal to 0.4% and a base weight of
400 g/m
2 had to be used. The ultra-high E-modulus was neces-
sary to mobilize the required anchoring force. For the calcula-
tion, the CUR guideline 91 [3] was adopted, with the governing
criterion being 'peeling off '. The bond strength of the concrete
of the existing structure should be at least 1.8 N/mm
2 (verified by
on site pull-off tests). If not, corrective measures were to be taken.
The required number of CFRP sheets was dependent on the web
and the location. The maximum was at the inner webs at Diepen-
beek and Hasselt: starting with ten layers over the first 1.8 m,
over six and three layers for the next 1 + 1 m and finally two
layers for the last meter (assumed layer thickness is 0.235 mm).
Execution phase
Early 2012, the refurbishment and elevation started with the
most upstream bridge, i.e. Diepenbeek. By the end of 2014, the
last bridge (Olen) was elevated and refurbished. Together with
the elevation, the opportunity was taken to refurbish the bridges
in terms of concrete repairs, crack injections and enhancement
Modernising the Albert Canal 3 2017